Gardens and tree nurseries looking lush and filled with potential

It is 2014.  The Farmers of the Future project has three flourishing vegetable gardens in Galbal, Gonzare and Gueriguinde with one more on the way in Ecole Centre.  The mothers work together, in groups of 20 to run them and then market their produce. It is a learning curve for everyone, but there is a buzz in the air. Finally, finally everyone feels that the possibility for income generation is tangible. Real. In addition to these gardens there are  women’s tree nurseries as well.  They plant, they add manure, they graft. It is a craft that requires patience and precision. But they are learning and mastering the skills.
The gardens and nurseries are adjacent to schools – where the students can visit every day and learn alongside the women. Where they can participate and see the value agriculture brings to the economy.  And then in classrooms, the teachers will teach them the necessary theory.

It is the Farmers of the Future program that brings me to Niger next week – to see if we can find ways to expand from three schools to 15 – now that we are seeing success with the program.  We need to start a training school for technicians in horticulture, as there aren’t enough experts on vegetables in the country.  It is an opportunity to meet with the team and figure out our next steps.
DSCF1233DSCF1312A pilot to be sure, but one that carries hope for the future of this community, and potentially the country.  one step at a time.

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