‘Trips to Niger’ Archive

Last day of my trip in Niger, February 17th, 2011

Had a very early 6:30am breakfast with Judy and John to say goodbye as they were leaving for Benin. Hamani the wonderful picked them up to go to the airport and must have been up at 4:30 to start his day.  At 9am Hamani picked me up for the last day of errands……visit to some shops […]

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

We had the second day of our Farmers meeting today and it was a very fruitful day with much accomplished. We are united in our desire to push the vision forward with five pilot sites. Not yet sure where the five will be. But the highlight for me was the visit all 15 of us […]

Day 3 of fourth trip, February 14th, 2011

The day started early with breakfast at the Grand hotel and then a short ride to the ICRISAT facility in Niamey, just across the bridge. Here we met with 14 people from the Ministry of Education, NGOS VIE and FAO, and ICRISAT reps and others to discuss the curriculum of the Farmers of the Future […]

Day two, February 14th, 2011

It is 10pm Niger time and I am reflecting on our long but very productive day in Libore! Up early to visit the Scholarship girls in the CES school, the girls who are in the seconde, premiere and terminal level of school, just prior to going to university if they make it. What a lovely […]