Posts Tagged ‘Pencil Necklaces’

We’ve Been Featured on the Premier of Ontario’s Blog!

We were recently featured on Premier Dalton McGuinty’s blog – BlogOn(tario). Here is what he had to say: “This time of year, especially, we all try to look for ways to make a difference. The spirit of the holidays helps us open our hearts to families and communities who don’t have the same opportunities we […]

On my way to Niger for the fourth time January 9th, 2011

It was in February 2010, that I visited a remote village in Gorouberi with the Mayor, Vice Mayor, Hamani, Ramatou, Alioun and others to see the well that Rotary had drilled.  When the Mayor informed me that the children in this village had never attended school, because there wasn’t one, I committed on the spot […]

Join us in our “Wear a Pencil” campaign!

Hamani (left) wears the pencil made by the artist, Tchihma Abdo (right) Mayor Amadou Madougou wears the very first pencil necklace! Please join us in our worldwide “Wear a Pencil” campaign to ensure that every child has access to education. Our goal is for everyone to: Wear a pencil, until every child has a pencil. […]