Archive for March, 2014

Journey to Niger, March 2014 FINAL PART

Friday, March 7th, and Saturday, March 8th 2014 The last two days….how time has flown. On Friday, March 7th, we started with a meeting with US ADF, the United States Agricultural Development Fund.  We wanted to ask about funding to start a goat business for the women’s associations, using the brown goats of Maradi. The country […]

Journey to Niger, March 2014, PART FOUR

Day 4 and Day 5, March 5th and March 6th, 2014 The fatigue is setting in. We are all feeling it. Before breakfast I got a call from the former Vice Mayor of Libore,  that she was in the lobby wanting to see me! The Nigerien people I have met are always so thoughtful, polite […]

Journey to Niger, March 2014, PART THREE

Day 3, Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 It is another fascinating day. This morning we went about 45 minutes out of town to see a village called Sadoré, where Dov started spontaneously piloting the FOF over 7 years ago. Sadoré village is just across the street from ICRISAT, the organization he spent ten years working for when he came […]

Journey to Niger, March 2014, PART TWO

It is the second full day of our journey, Monday, March 3rd, 2014. One of the purposes of this trip was to meet the First Lady and the head of the Triple N initiative and get their support for the creation of a Training Centre for the technicians, the expansion of the FOF and their […]