Posts Tagged ‘farmers of the future’

“Here’s a Picture Worth More Than a Thousand Words”

We all know the old saying.  As a piece of art this picture is worth no more than the plywood it’s drawn on. But as a plan to maximize profit for this 4-acre Farmers of the Future vegetable garden, it’s worth over $100,000! And for 50 women from this rural village in Niger, that’s a […]

P4K attends the Niger Renaissance Conference in Paris

Pencils for Kids, along with our colleagues Eliminate Poverty Now and LIBO were invited by the Minister of Planning of Niger to attend a two day conference in Paris, December 13-14, on Niger’s Renaissance – the five year plan from 2017 to 2021. We were honoured to be invited.  It was an extraordinary conference, attended […]

Farmers of the Future Lettuce Harvest

Our Farmers of the Future program revolves around teaching young students the importance of Agriculture as a business, in addition to training their mothers how to operate gardens with high yield crops. Each semester we test the students’ knowledge. In December, the students at Ecole Centre were able to celebrate the lettuce that they had […]

Peter Wentworth’s first visit to Niger

Click here to read about the impressions of another team member from the Farmers of the Future trip, who wrote on the website of our partners Eliminate Poverty Now. “I just returned from 8 days in Niamey, Niger working with the Farmers of the Future (FOF) project.  John captured in his blog key highlights of the […]