‘Niger’ Archive

A tragedy unfolded last week in Niger when 20 small children burned to death in a school made of straw.

This story is personal to us and to the many Torontonians and Canadians who have joined us for the past 15 years since we founded Pencils for Kids, a charity made up entirely of volunteers, dedicated to helping with education in Niger. When Pencils for Kids began in 2006, after hearing that 30 children were […]

“Here’s a Picture Worth More Than a Thousand Words”

We all know the old saying.  As a piece of art this picture is worth no more than the plywood it’s drawn on. But as a plan to maximize profit for this 4-acre Farmers of the Future vegetable garden, it’s worth over $100,000! And for 50 women from this rural village in Niger, that’s a […]

“It Takes a Village”

It was decided years ago that a book Professor Dov Pasternak had written about horticulture in sub-Saharan Africa needed to be translated into French for it to have the most impact. Our colleague, John from Eliminate Poverty Now has gone with his wife to Niger for the next ten days, and has posted a series of blog posts […]

More is better!

Another major priority of our trip to Niger was exploring opportunities for expansion. Currently, there are 18 Farmers of the Future sites and we are eager to grow. Each new site provides an opportunity to lift another community out of poverty. But sites also serve as showcases for the power of the FOF concept. After […]