Posts Tagged ‘Liboré’

We’ve Been Featured on the Premier of Ontario’s Blog!

We were recently featured on Premier Dalton McGuinty’s blog – BlogOn(tario). Here is what he had to say: “This time of year, especially, we all try to look for ways to make a difference. The spirit of the holidays helps us open our hearts to families and communities who don’t have the same opportunities we […]

This Holiday Season: Help Us Give Children the Support They Need to Take Control of Their Future

This year, in honour of those you love, give the gift of education to a child in Liboré, Niger, Africa. It has been a challenging year for the people of Liboré, Niger. Pencils for Kids has officially launched its Farmers of the Future program together with our partner, Eliminate Poverty Now, in three villages, teaching children how […]

An Urgent Plea To Help Those Devastated by Flooding in Libore, Niger

A plea from Pencils for Kids and our partner Eliminate Poverty Now When your friends cry out for help, how do you answer? Pencils for Kids doesn’t do disaster relief, but weeks of heavy rain in Niger have caused massive flooding. One third of the 32,000 people in the Liboré villages where we work have […]

P4K invites Project Play Africa to Libore to coach soccer and start leagues!

This has been an incredible week for the villagers and children in Libore! Mike Mitchell and Dave Stahl from Project Play are there for 8 days, visiting every village in Libore and showing the coaches, teachers and students how to establish soccer (football!) clubs, leagues and competitive play. They are spending time teaching  training and practice […]