Rotary continues to drill wells in Libore!

Carl Vahl is relentless in his desire to bring water to each and every village in Libore and all the schools. For the past five years, Carl, a Rotarian from the Olean Rotary Club, and many other Rotarians from other clubs, have come to Libore to drill wells. There are over 50 of them now that provide clean drinking water to the villagers so that they won’t have to walk long distances to find it.  Gaston Kaba, a Rotarian from Niger, helps Carl’s team on the ground.  All of this began when Carl called me up seven years ago and said he was going to Niger and heard about the work we were doing at Pencils for Kids.  Was there anything I needed him to do?
“Yes”, I replied, excitedly. Please visit the community of Libore when you are there just to say hello.  And so he did, and met Hamani, and since that time has been instrumental in making a difference to the 30,000 people in Libore.  We are so grateful to Carl and to Rotary for continuing the push to bring water to everyone, and for always educating the people to ensure the wells are properly maintained and working. Bravo Carl, Gaston and Rotarians everywhere!
Carl et Gaston sur un puit de Galbal L'ecole de Liboré Zarma accueille la delegation Visite d'une classse de 6eme au CES de Liboré Weibber à Gak)lbal

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